American Coated Products, headquartered in Zionsville, Indiana, provides all your coating, laminating and converting needs, with its state of the art manufacturing equipment with world-class manufacturing, service, and distribution throughout North America and Europe.
At American Coated Products, innovation is part of what we do every day, and all orders are custom finished for customer specifications. We go above and beyond to create products that will expand our customers’ markets. Our manufacturing flexibility allows us to offer short-run, high-volume, customized or standard, and our equipment is optimized for quick changeover and scalability.
We are committed to continuous improvement and operation excellence. Our capabilities as a coater enable us to tackle projects that most label stock suppliers would not consider. State-of-the-art process controls ensure that products are manufactured to consistently high standards each and every time.
We are proud to be a privately owned company and recognize daily the benefits of having a quality system in place from product design through manufacturing. Our capabilities include such operations as coating/laminating, top coating and finishing. We’re committed to always providing the best films, papers, adhesive, topcoat, and liner combination to meet your specific application requirements.
The flexibility we’ve built into our manufacturing process provides you with products that not only perform as required, but also give you a strategic competitive edge.